Art of the day… is inspired by the wonderful and original Coco Chanel…. She was not only a driving force in the feminine movement and a role model for many women in Europe and later on around the world, she was a true hero fighting a male dominated arena , the so called fashion world. Designers, like Charles Worth, did not believe in her as well as others.
Here at Ink & Lace we like to get inspired by icons like her and like to give her signature look a revive and honour her with a Stylish Print.
Coco is available in the the gorgeous Bluethumb Gallery as well as in our Ink Shop
She truly took a different approach when it comes to fashion. She tried the sewing machines, and still discovered that true “Handmade” is the key to a high quality garment.Sewing machines were put away and it was back to hand stitching. Quality and determination made her clothes stand out as well as a unique style and cut.
To this day the house of Chanel is still working under this motto.
Coco introduced a simple feminine line, that made an impact back then and now of course. Minimalism, and elegance in one….. splendid combo if you ask me.
Black, straight cut suits and the signature pearls became her signature style as well as look for the Chanel House. Tweet and class are today associated with Chanel.
Coco was also the first one to actually create a logo for her brand. Two Cs embracing each other…. A desired brand and a so copied one as well.
And speaking for COCO…. her Personality was truly unique and funky!
What do you like best about COCO?
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