Hello 2024

Hello 2024

Can you believe that 2024 is already 9 days in…? Yes, indeed! I don’t know about you, but to me some days it still feels like I am in 2023!

I hope you set a few goals for this year! I sure did! I was sending the first newsletter of the year and so far it went well!

So here are my goals for this year!

– Monthly newsletters talking about each part of my work: Romanian Lace, Art, and Reiki.

-Get my little one sorted for Kindy and my bigger one for the next class.

– Monthly new projects when it comes to lace, and at least one tutorial pattern out via YouTube or in the store!

– Larger Distance Reiki classes so more people can benefit from it!

– Finding a part-time job!  After so many years at home with the kids, it’s time for me time a bit when it comes to work! I kinda miss it a bit! If you have any tips, suggestions, or ideas, about what would suit me and in my area, get in touch! I would love to work in an art gallery! I love art, but you guys know that, or even a museum… I love history!

Now let’s talk about important dates for this month, starting with tomorrow!

The Dark Moon is tomorrow January 10th – Here no moon is visible but it’s still very powerful and full of energy. A good time to ask for peace and to recharge ( Check my IG HERE)

After that, we have The New Moon on January 11th a great way to start the new year with positive energy.

The last important day for January is the Full Moon on January 26th. 2024.  If you follow me regarding Reiki you know what to do on a full moon- charge your crystals and make moon water!

Now that you know the important dates of this month you can set your future goals around these moon phases. I would suggest, the New Moon or Full Moon!

XO, Lorena

PS: Thank you for following my YouTube and reading my blog and IG! 



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