Share your Romanian Point Lace Story….

Share your Romanian Point Lace Story….

Share your Romanian Point Lace Story…..

Servus, Gorgeous!

I hope to find you well and welcome to this page and blog! In my last newsletter I was writing about how it is important to share your story… It is important to make sure we hear other stories so that we can learn, create and thrive…. With this in mind, I was writing to my subscribers and asked them to share their own Romanian Point Lace Story…. How they started… What makes them fall in love with such antique lace making method….Etc….


And here I would like to share an a story from Marg. She is a lovely lady who came to my classes and Brisbane and fall in love with RPL and it;s threads.


Read and get inspired!

My Romanian Point Lace story. I’ve always loved making lace – started crocheting when I was a teenager and progressed to tatting not that much later. When I was about 30 I “found” bobbin lace, and started making torchon lace in earnest – as I always taught myself the various types of lace I’d done. I worked in a hospital, and one day a patient gave me a piece of lace that I didn’t recognize. For about 15 years I’d look at it in amazement, and then one day I saw lace that Lorena was making, and realised then that the gift was a Romanian Point Lace doily. I just had to learn how to do it, and now I’ve been making RPL (on and off) for nearly 4 years. I don’t have a favourite stitch; I love the traditional form of it best, but the things Lorena makes are amazing and truly inspirational. I can’t remember the name of the lady who gave me the doily, but I still have it and treasure it, and I’m sure she would be happy that she inspired another person to start making RPL.

Now let me tell you that Marg’s story reminds me of something that happen to me in Brisbane. As I was teaching lace as usual a lady named Lorraine contacted me….. to meet her mother who is way beyond 90 years. I am not sure what it;s all about and as I was asking further she said that her mother made RPL when she was younger and would like to meet me. I was surprised and amazed how far a little lace can take me. It truly   made my day and reassured me that it;s the right path to teach this fantastic craft.

Thank you Marg for sharing your story with us!

Looking forward to see more pieces made by you and others that I teach!





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