From one fine thread, a work of art is born…. Testing DMC Thread

From one fine thread, a work of art is born…. Testing DMC Thread

 ‘From one fine thread, a work of art is born.’  Testing DMC Thread 

If you crochet, make lace, do tatting, this thread is a must or at least you heard of it  and you want to try it out. This thread is Made in France and it is one of the best in the world.I purchased this thread to create Romanian Point Lace. DMC in general stands for high quality and for great results.

We all talk about DMC …. but do you know what it stands for ? Since 1746 DOLLFUS-MIEG & Compagnie makes thread in France e voila DMC was born! They are true heroes  in the textile world and still provide the highest quality since they open the doors.

It is an amazing thread that I can only recommend. If you worked with it you understand the price. It is not cheap but it;s worth all the money you pay for it.

Jean – Henri DOLLFUS, Jean Jacques SCHMALZER, and Samuel KOECHLIN—were the  founders of DMC and the first to manufacture hand-painted Indian prints in Europe. A revolution in the textile industry in Europe. High quality threads and fine textiles were very well known in the East far China and India. ( Silk Road)

It is also fabulous to use for embroidery and lace knitting. It comes in many different sizes and colours galore!

If you are based in the USA here is the official website. If you visit DMC the Head Quarters on the first page you will be redirected to the country you are based.

Not only that they changed the world of threads and textile in Europe they changed the world of textile in general, by having John Mercer a chemist who experimented with thread and discovered that when you add caustic  soda to the thread, it makes it stronger and it gives the long lasting shine that we find today with all DMC products. Is that your AHA Moment?! That was mine when I found this gold piece of information at uni when I was studying Fashion Design. That is the understanding behind Mercerise cotton!

I was surprised to find that they have many location sites in Eastern Europe but not in Australia. Australia has such a high demand and love for DMC.

Like you can see in the example above it is fabulous for fine crochet and Romanian Point Lace. I purchased my DMC thread here .


It was a great experience and I am in love with the large colour range. If you never worked with this brand before try to purchase one floss or a small cotton pearl and give it a go!

The company is still today top thread when it comes to quality. There are only a few other brands like Romanofir who can compete with them. I will talk about them in another post.

With a tradition of over 270 years, I ruly believe you can give DMC a try if you have not by now! 

This fabulous brand is going into my top ten brands to work with! DMC you rock!





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