How is your Monday?

How is your Monday?

How is your Monday?


Monday, Monday….. It;s rainy here in Brisbane, and insanely hot!

I normally do not share my daily doings on Social media or even blog about…… So why not this time!?

Get the toddler ready, breakfast…. But first COFFEE!

It’s Christmas time,  and when you have a toddler in the house it;s all about Santa, Christmas trees and gifts, gifts and more gifts! Hmmmm!

So after a massive potty training time,  that can end up in singing, watching potty videos and funky conversation …. Does Santa see me on the toilet????? The toddler is ready to play! And Me, I am ready for another coffee!

Rushing to the post office to ship some orders out.. and yup it;s still raining!

It;s time to create a bit…. Baby sleeps and I am ready and have time to blog a bit.

But first let me get in the mood! My Scentsy Amazon Rain melting wax is on – Take me to the Amazon!

I am ready to roll!

Coming back from the post office I checked my mailbox and my secret Santa, left something for me! Exited like a little kid I open my gift. Yeah, yeah, I know it;s not Xmas, BUT hey it;s finally quite in the house and I have time for  myself! So let me be with the words of my toddler!

Let me tell you how the Secret Santa came along! I am part of a fabulous Group on FB. A fun groups where Graphic Designers come together, talk , discuss job related issues and share design ideas, etc…..and since Christmas is around the corner our Admin the fabulous Anna Dower created the Secret Santa gift exchange! Check her page out she is amazing!

So back to my lace embroidery project till it;s still peaceful!

How was your Monday?






Romanian Point Lace Trends

Romanian Point Lace Trends

When you think about an antique lace making technique like Crochet, Irish Lace, Battenburg, etc…. it is very important to not only keep the craft going and to pass it on. It is crucial to evolve and update it, including different techniques, threads, colours, volume , shape and sizes as well as purpose and function of the lace.


Irish Crochet has deep roots in using fine hooks and ecru, beige, white and cream threads but a lot has change from its humble beginning. Colours popped in, different thread types and hook sizes changed. Beads have been introduce as well as transforming shapes. The traditional Irish lace is still very popular and strong but modern Irish lace is catching up more and more….

If you want to know more about traditional Irish Crochet lace , find out more here from Larisa Chilton an amazing Irish Crochet teacher and maker. She  will be able to help you out, guide you and teach you.

When it comes to  Romanian Point Lace its a bit different. The traditional Romanian Point Lace is very stubborn, or at least most Romanian Point Lace makers. From personal experience I have seen that they can’t seem to understand that this lace as beautiful as it is needs not only to breath and extend it needs to be seen and it will not be seen if we do not change our minds on the subject. We as lace makers need to be open minded to introducing colours… and it finally happens a bit, – ( Fabulous to see HURRA!) but most Romanian Point Lace makers still produce the same pattern in the shape design and pattern again and again and placing it in the same spot- the furniture! Well this is not enough anymore!



In the image above you can see how traditional Romanian Point Lace is used. This is a traditional design in colour, shape, size, function. Now you can do way more with this…. Smaller pieces like the image below, can be used as funky place mats.

Now the next step how RPL got its  transformation, was when dye was introduced. Like in this image below. Natural dye like here – Turmeric


After natural dye,  even though it was not proper! Coloured thread was introduced by the early 2000.


I am trying to introduce into this tight world of Romanian Point Lace a new way of lace making that can maybe open the way for a new generation of lace makers. This new generation might be interested in Romanian Point Lace in a traditional and new way. It is important that we keep ancient craft alive but we need to make it attractive to younger people today. They will not look twice if the lace is a doily… sadly this is the truth and not many can face it.

So this is what I am rooting for… make lace , keep an ancient craft like  Romanian Point Lace alive BUT wearable,  make it fashionable. And yes, I am aware that might not be every bodies cup of tea, but c’est la vie!

I am introducing colours, 3D , volume, and make it wearable. Put it to a good use and take your lace for a walk.

Not only that the pieces are wearable, they are large, bold and make a statement, so is the idea behind Romanian Point Lace making a statement.

Please let me know how you feel about!

Where do you see the trends going when it comes to Romanian Point Lace?




My Top Ten- Fashion Designers

My Top Ten- Fashion Designers

My Top Ten…. Fashion Designers….


You might know that I studied fashion design and so talking and learning about designers was a must. Not only that you learn to know about different styles and building a brand, you discover what designer you like or not and create a list in your head.

So here are my top ten fashion designers….











Trust me it was damn hard to pick only ten… I love so many more…..

There are many more designers, that I admire and pay attention to so here is a bonus top ten designer list , that you might want to check out!






I love hand made fashion and no other continent can reach SOUTH AMERICA when it comes to lace, and crochet fashion so here are my top five fashion designer from South America!






Let me know your favourite designers!



Introducing Jan’s Crochet Hooks!

Introducing Jan’s Crochet Hooks!

Introducing Jan’s Crochet Hooks!

I am always on the hunt for great designs by great people and I think I found another treasure by Janet Lohrman! She is creating wonderful crochet hooks all handmade and one of a kind! If you feel that you deserve a great hook to express your creativity or know a serious crocheter, this might be a perfect gift!

Please introduce yourself….

My name is Janet Lohrman
(I prefer Jan please) I am a 52 year old retired nurse and I have a passion for making wooden crochet hooks.

Why crochet hooks and what woke up the passion to start making them?

Being retired I crochet a lot of the time. So one day I sat down and watched a bushman on you tube make one from a stick.
I immediately thought I can do that. So with the aid of my disabled partner, we went on a wood collecting frenzy. I only use Australian tree limbs that have fallen to the ground. That’s what I use, it could be gum tree or a white gum tree called a ghost gum and I have use Tasmanian Oak along with the traditional bottle brush tree.

How long does it take you to make one, and what material do you use?

On average once someone has placed an order and given me the size/s. I then begin to whittle a branch to the correct size as I also make the thicker handles for those with arthritis.


What sizes are you make and where can we purchase them?

The sizes that I can make as I don’t use any machinery at all are 5mm up to what ever size my client wishes. The smaller sizes are much harder due to the heads size being too hard to carve out with my utility knife. I have a hook sizing die and I double check them with vernier to be doubly accurate on sizing. From start to finish depending on the quantity of hooks per order and again sizing. In general one hook from start to finish to postage can take anywhere from 3 – 4 days.
This also depends if the want details carved into it or beads added to the ends. Pricing can also vary on thick and normal handles, carvings or beads.

Where can we find you on social media ?

I can be found on Facebook under my general page of Jan Lohrman. Or I can be pmed. I am pretty on the ball to check messages and look at Facebook many times through out the day.

Don;t they look amazing?

Let me know how you like them!



Introducing Valdani Thread

Introducing Valdani Thread

When you are looking for  a great thread to work with, for a variety of craft possibilities, Valdani might be a solution!

Valdani, is wonderful for Embroidery, Crochet, Knitting, Irish lace and of course Romanian Point Lace.

This company is based in Canada and threads are produced in Romania. Va pup Romania! ( I kiss you Romania) I am always exited to find out that something that has a lot of quality is produced in my home country! Proud moment!

Valdani is great because it has so many threads to offer, in great colours and the quality of each section, being, silk, cotton, wool, etc is amazing.

I will be creating some jewellery pieces using the Valdani, color 12 JP7 and color 8 P8 thread. Both sample thread feel great on the skin and in the hands to work with as well has a great soft shine and the colours are divine.

I was using a vintage crochet hook from JMRA ( 1.5mm) lace making hook to create the Romanian Point Lace cord. The thread was wonderful to work and it was easy to create the RPL cord.

Watch the video below and comment if you have some experience with Valdani, or you would like to ask some questions that I did not cover in the video or blog post.

I am not paid by Valdani, I simple love to introduce new products when it comes to Romanian Point Lace or to people who always wanted to try this brand out.

The quality of Valdani is wonderful and you pay a certain price for quality, great quality.

I love the idea that you can pick variety of threads for crochet, knit, embroidery,quilting, etc…. I can recommend the Perle Cotton as well as the Silk Floss and the new collection sets.

Have you used Valdani threads before, if yes please let me know how you like and what you made!


So if you never worked with Valdani before, feel free to try it out! You will not regret it!

Stay tuned to the next blog post on the Romanian Point Lace Jewellery I created using the Valdani brand!





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