Mother’s Day Sale

Mother’s Day Sale


With Mother’s Day around the corner, I believe it;s time for a Coupon! Surprise your Mother with a one of a kind fashion art print or a jewellery! Our shop is open and ready to send you original designs!

This Coupon is valid till end of May!

CODE 20MD ( 20%off all jewellery and all prints A4 and A3 sizes)

Enjoy and appreciate your mother!




I am celebrating Mother’s Day for the second time! Enjoying every minute of it!

Mums Rock!

Pantone Colours 2017

Pantone Colours 2017

Pantone Colours 2017


Yes it;s time to talk colours – Pantone Colours for S/S 2107 ( Spring/Summer)

Maybe you heard that the top colour of the Year 2017 is Greenery! So what does it mean for us, it means we dive into a colour that is fresh, energetic and hopeful!

Greenery is actually a great colour and can be paired up with so many amazing colours and textures.

Colours that go wonderful with Greenery and have a great transition.


Official top ten colours 2017 by t! 




PS: Keep an eye out for FLAME ! Soon I will be giving a mini FLAME SKEIN AWAY from White Gum Wool!

Map out your heart…De-Stress Exercise

Map out your heart…De-Stress Exercise




These days to De-stress is very important. So Adult colouring and mapping out your heart exercises became very popular and are recommend by art therapists.

Mapping out your heart, is a wonderful exercise to not only find out truly what is important to you, but also what you love and don;t love.

It is playful learning and I encourage you to try it out! Let’s map out out hearts!

Below you see what is important to me. I did not colour the heart out but you can do it if you like. You can use different colours to write it down, or images that represent what ever you pick.


The idea of mapping out your heart, comes form a wonderful book by Georgia Heard-Awakening the Heart


After you mapped your heart out, feel free to share it with me on my social media or send an email including a picture with your heart!

Recently I was teaching a De-Stress Workshop on HANDS on BRISBANE so come check us out, there are plenty of workshops you might like!




Art of the day- Year of the Rooster

Art of the day- Year of the Rooster

Are you a Rooster?

Roosters, that’s how people in China are called, if they are born in the year of the Rooster. If you are born in January or February you are a Rooster!

Year of the Rooster…..1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, and 2029.

To welcome the year of the Rooster, I started an illustration to embrace 2017.

There are five types of Rooster… so which one are you?

Wood, Fire, Water, Earth or Gold?

Wood Rooster 1945, 2005 Energetic, overconfident, tender, and unstable
Fire Rooster 1957, 2017 Trustworthy, with a strong sense of timekeeping and responsibility at work
Earth Rooster 1909, 1969 Lovely, generous, trustworthy, and popular with their friends
Gold Rooster 1921, 1981 Determined, brave, perseverant, and hardworking
Water Rooster 1933, 1993 Smart, quick-witted, tenderhearted, and compassionate


Lucky to be a Rooster! 

Lucky numbers: 5, 7, and 8

Lucky days: the 4th and 26th of any Chinese lunar month

Lucky colors: gold, brown, and yellow

Lucky flowers: gladiola, cockscomb

Lucky directions: south, southeast

Lucky months: the 2nd, 5th, and 11th Chinese lunar months.


Things That Roosters Should Avoid


Unlucky color: red

Unlucky numbers: 1, 3, and 9

Unlucky direction: east

Unlucky months: the 3rd, 9th, and 12th Chinese lunar months

Let me know what you are in the Chinese Astrology.



PS: The limited edition print is available at the Bluethumb Gallery 

Relax with art…. Doodle it!

Relax with art…. Doodle it!

Doodle it….

Do you remember when talking at the phone you were scribbling on a piece of paper and no big deal…


Yes, well this little action has a great impact on our brain and mind. I encourage you to try it out, next time you are on the phone.

So let’s  try something simple like a few lines and curves, etc….

Draw on a piece of paper with a black ink or simple pen.


Let’s  go, relax and create lines and see what will happen. Do not think and simply create.

Now if you feel uncomfortable and do not really understand doodle art you can visit Pinterest and check out doodle art! It is fun and I call this platform the black hole coz once you are on Pinterest, you will need a while to leave it! Don;t worry you are not alone!


Now you can doodle in watercolour, in ink , in pen , etc….

Print it out…. and Doodle it! 



Makeup Challenge –  Cupcake Diva!

Makeup Challenge – Cupcake Diva!

Makeup Challenge – Cupcake Diva!


Hello this is Cupcake Diva, ready to find a new home! But wait this is not all!

Ink & Lace and Cupcake Diva has a Makeup Challenge for you!

Can you recreate the look and makeup of Cupcake Diva?

If you answered with YES, please send me a comment below with your details ( email) and a video or picture with your Cupcake Diva Look!



Please watch that video, subscribe to our Channel and recreate Cupcake Diva! If you are not great with makeup like me, ( LOL) and still want to own Cupcake Diva, please visit the shop and you can choose the perfect print size for you!

I will pick a winner that I introduce on my blog and on my you tube channel! You will receive a copy of Cupcake Diva!

I am exited to read your comments to see your makeup challenge and to see pics with your creations!

Good luck and have fun!




Welcome to Ink & Lace! So nice to meet you!


Sign Up Now and you will receive 15% OFF your first order PLUS grab 4 FREEBIE including My morning routine Reiki principles, Palm Chakras Activation, Thread_Yarn Cheat Sheet and a print and art journal mood trackers.


Thank you for subscribing. Please use the discount code SIGNUP15 on checkout. An email is also on the way with your FREEBIES.