Happy Fashion Easter

Happy Fashion Easter

When it comes to Easter, I have a different approach to it….. I do not think Easter Hunt and Christian Easter, I think FASHION! Yup , FASHION, to be precise, I think Faberge Eggs. The most famous eggs were produced in Russia for Alexander III. Yup Russia, a country full of history and culture, gave us the Faberge Egg. A pure luxury a decadent gift.

In total 50 eggs have been created and 42 actually survived, so it;s understandable why they are so precious and so loved by collectors.  Carl Faberge was the creator of the Faberge Eggs.

The Faberge Egg has become the symbol of luxury. It is created with metals, precious stones and gemstones. The first egg was truly unique and egg within an egg. A white shell with platinum and a golden hen with the imperial crown.


The House of Faberge is an amazing brand and they came far along since the Imperial Eggs. You should check out the collections, right here.

Faberge was a great inspiration for the fashion industry. Take a look at these amazing pieces. Mary Katranzou’s 2012 collection was fabulous

Balmain and Alexander McQueen. These are amazing pieces that  originate in the Faberge Egg.

Let me know what you think about the Faberge Egg!

I got inspired by the Faberge Egg and here is what came out! A print inspired by flowers, Spring and a touch of fashion.

If you want to check it out , please click here.



Women’s Rights are Human Rights -Women’s March Art Print

Women’s Rights are Human Rights -Women’s March Art Print

Women’s March Art 

I am a woman, a wife, a mother that has a daughter… I have RIGHTS!

I am a daughter, that grew up free, with a strong mind and a strong power, who never needed to fight for her rights… and all this because strong women did this for me many generations ago….

It looks like today in 2017 we as women move backwards and this is not ok…. no man has the right to take away our rights as half or more of this global society…

We make / made You!

Without us,  our milk, our time, our love, you would not be here…. You want to bite the hand that feeds you?!

In support of the Women’s March in Washington and around the world I created an Art Print exclusive to BluethumbGallery .

Please visit, share and support women!



Makeup Challenge –  Cupcake Diva!

Makeup Challenge – Cupcake Diva!

Makeup Challenge – Cupcake Diva!


Hello this is Cupcake Diva, ready to find a new home! But wait this is not all!

Ink & Lace and Cupcake Diva has a Makeup Challenge for you!

Can you recreate the look and makeup of Cupcake Diva?

If you answered with YES, please send me a comment below with your details ( email) and a video or picture with your Cupcake Diva Look!



Please watch that video, subscribe to our Channel and recreate Cupcake Diva! If you are not great with makeup like me, ( LOL) and still want to own Cupcake Diva, please visit the shop and you can choose the perfect print size for you!

I will pick a winner that I introduce on my blog and on my you tube channel! You will receive a copy of Cupcake Diva!

I am exited to read your comments to see your makeup challenge and to see pics with your creations!

Good luck and have fun!




Art of the day….Coco Chanel

Art of the day….Coco Chanel



Art of the day… is inspired by the wonderful and original Coco Chanel…. She was not only a driving force in the feminine movement and a role model for many women in Europe and later on around the world, she was a true hero fighting a male dominated arena , the so called fashion world. Designers, like Charles Worth, did not believe in her as well as others.

Here at Ink & Lace we like to get inspired by icons like her and like to give her signature look a revive and honour her with a Stylish Print.

Coco is available in the the gorgeous Bluethumb Gallery  as well as in our Ink Shop

She truly took a different approach when it comes to fashion. She tried the sewing machines, and still discovered that true “Handmade” is the key to a high quality garment.Sewing machines were put away and it was back to hand stitching. Quality and determination made her clothes stand out as well as a unique style and cut.

To this day the house of Chanel is still working under this motto.

Coco introduced a simple feminine line, that made an impact back then and now of course. Minimalism, and elegance in one….. splendid combo if you ask me.

Black, straight cut suits and the signature pearls became her signature style as well as look for the Chanel House. Tweet and class are today associated with Chanel.

Coco was also the first one to actually create a logo for her brand. Two Cs embracing each other…. A desired brand and a so copied one as well.


And speaking for COCO…. her Personality was truly unique and funky!


What do you like best about COCO?




PS: Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

Cheers a bunch!





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